Tuesday, December 4, 2012



The above image of Newton's collision balls apparatus is an example of implied motion in design. According to gestalt law of continuation, we expect lines to continue. Although it is a 2-dimensional graphic, the diagonal white curved-line swing from the right top corner to the left top corner indicates implied movement. In addition, this photo uses direction (curve derived  from circle shape) to convey the energy of rolling movement. Besides, blurred shadow is presented to indicate fast motion. lastly, the balls in variation of scale also communicate implied movement and sense of depth.


In this above graphic image, it contains the element of implied motion. The repeated  shadow is formed and blurred to imply the energy of movement  of the dancers. Even though the dancers are not actually dancing, their movement and elegant posture suggest the motion. This design conveys the energy of movement by using the gestalt law of continuation, which allow us to we expect that the patterns and lines to continue. In addition, the fact that the three groups of dancers are arranged to form a diagonal line also implies movement since diagonals communicate movement and change.

1 comment:

  1. Pretentiously speaking visual revolution and re-creation after the digitalization of the graphic world art are affected but the soul of the art is not affected. By the use of modern technologies the speed of designing is increased and quality is also increased , some traditional designer are involved in traditional designing visually speaking it have human touch for natural feelings. The motion art is combination of technologies and art to give a design natural movement so that beautifully designed gives a natural moving effects. - www.unitedidesign.com
